2nd Pan American Cup
London, Canada - May 12 to 23, 2004

Situation getting clearer in the standings

By Yan Huckendubler, PAHF Media Officer

LONDON, Ontario, Canada - After a rest day, the Men's Pan American Cup resumed at University of Western Ontario in London, Canada, in cool (6C for the morning game) and overcast weather.

After this third day of competition, the situation is now clearer in the standings. Argentina is sailing over pool A, leaving the prospect of an exciting game between Chile and the USA on Tuesday to decide the second team qualified for the semi-final. In pool B, the forfeit of Cuba is opening up the battle for the second place behind Canada, with the second qualified team also decided on Tuesday between Trinidad & Tobago and the surprising team of the Netherlands Antilles.

Netherlands Antilles - Uruguay : 4 - 0
Mexico - Trinidad & Tobago : 2-5
Argentina - Chile : 2-0
USA - Venezuela : 8-0
Puerto Rico - Brazil : 0-0

Netherlands Antilles - Uruguay : 4 - 0

Uruguay set a good initial tempo to the game. The young Uruguayan team had more speed but the Dutch Antilles team was well structured and occupied cleverly the midfield. They pushed the Uruguayan defense to commit fouls and earned a series of penalty corners. On their second one, the ball hit a defender on the line and Jaap Overgaauw opened the scoring on a penalty stroke. Shortly after, he added another goal on penalty corner with his trademark drag flick, this time on the goalkeeper stick side, pushing his personal tally for the tournament to 5 goals.

The game flowed back and forth for the rest of the period but with no dangerous opportunities. Score at half time: 2-0. The game opened up in second half and the Dutch Antilles mounted dangerous attacks with some quick passing combinations but were consistently denied by Uruguayan goalkeeper Mariano Mallo, often playing high in the D; his unorthodox (and sometimes flamboyant!) style is so far one of the attractions of the tournament.

Uruguay had a few chances, including a dangerous deflection on a penalty corner, but it is the Netherlands Antilles who scored the next goal by Van Stapele, who received a pass deep in the D, turned quickly and shot it under the sliding goalkeeper. With the Uruguayan team now dispirited, Jaap Overgaauw added another penalty corner to push the final score to 4-0.

Mexico - Trinidad & Tobago : 2-5

The game started quickly, with both teams trying to shake off the chilly temperature. Mexico built some early chances but Trinidad & Tobago stretched the Mexican defense with two high forwards, giving room to their midfield, led by Kwandwane Browne, to develop some good combinations. They were rewarded by a field goal by Browne in the thirteenth minute.

The Mexican pushed for the equalizer, but their efforts were too individuals to be really threatening. Trinidad & Tobago earned a penalty corner on another decisive circle penetration by Browne, who converted it himself despite the Mexican goalkeeper Daniel Aguilar catching a piece of it. The same scenario a few minutes later brought the score up to 3-0. Mexico didn't let down and had a succession of good chances by Pool Moreno and Roberto Garcia but to no avail and it is Kwandwane Browne who earned the forth goal of the game (and his forth) on yet another penalty corner flicked exactly in the same way at the previous two. Score at halftime: 4-0

Mexico scored a goal by Jorge Gomez after a superb penetration by Pool Moreno who managed to center the ball while falling under the pressure of the defenders. But T&T replied in the next minute with an interesting goal: a high scoop bounced in the D, hit the crossbar and Nicolas Wren bat it in the goal while the Mexican goalkeeper was still trying to locate it!

The game heated a notch, with both teams reduced to ten players. Trinidad & Tobago used the additional space to besiege the Mexican D and earn a number of penalty corners but to no avail and the final score stayed at 5-2.

Argentina - Chile : 2-0

Argentina started with early pressure against a packed Chilean defense, then Chile was prompt to seize opportunities and nearly scored on a shot by Felipe Montegu that went just wide. Argentina progressively took control of the midfield but the Chilean defense cleverly kept them at bay. Their only dangerous shots came from the only two penalty corners on which Chilean goalkeeper Mathias Anwandter made a brilliant save to keep the score at 0-0 at half time.

Chile started the second period with two chances on penalty corners, but the first goal finally went to Argentina by Juan Eduardo Garreta, after a decisive rush by Mario Almada down the left wing. Argentina had most of the possession in the second period, generating multiple penalty corners, but Jorge Lombi was each time denied by the Chilean defense, backed up by an excellent Anwandter. It is only in the sixty first minute that Argentina collected the insurance goal with a deflection from Mario Almada on a low drack flick from Lombi.

Chile had six penalty corners of their own in this period, but never managed to execute them correctly. They nevertheless played a strong and intelligent game to limit the score at 2-0.

USA - Venezuela: 8-0

This game had trouble finding its rhythm, with neither team establishing a clear domination and unusual mistakes being committed. Jarred Martin had an early chance after stealing the ball from a Venezuelan defender and eliminating the goalkeeper, but his shot went wide of the empty net. He redeemed himself a few minutes later, making no mistake on a cross from Pat Harris, then doubling his tally soon after on the same scenario.

The game lost its structure after Pat Harris pushed the score up to 3-0. He added another one just before halftime reached on the score of 4-0. The second period was played in the same pattern, with USA having trouble on their penalty-corners and only scoring in the second part of the period, the nicest goal coming from a deflection from Patrick Cota after a good pass from Shawn Nakamura.

Final score 8-0 for the USA with 3 goals for Patrick Harris.

Puerto Rico - Brazil : 0-0

Puerto Rico and Brazil started the game eager to grab their first win of the tournament. The game went back and forth at a good pace, with both teams creating chances but failing to convert them. There were a number of penalty corners on both sides that couldn't be controlled, showing once again that a steady penalty corner is the key for any team to win a close game.

Puerto Rico came back strong after the break, earning immediately two penalty corners but couldn't place a shot on goal. Brazil moved the ball well on occasion but Puerto Rico dominated most of the period. They had an excellent chance after a quick exchange of passes in the D, but the last player, alone at the far post, could deflect the ball in goal. The game ended on a 0-0 draw.

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