2nd Pan American Cup
Bridgetown, Barbados - April 21 to 28, 2004

April 24, 2004 - Argentina and the US finish first in their group

By Graciela H. Ortiz, PAHF Media Officer

BRIDGETOWN, Barbados � Argentina and the United States finished first in the Groups A and B by defeating the Netherlands Antilles and Uruguay 16-0 and 2-0, respectively, in the second women�s Pan-American Cup at the Sir Garfield Sobers Sports Complex on Saturday.

On Monday, Argentina will play Uruguay � at 5.30pm � while the US will clash against Canada at 8pm.

Argentina v Netherlands Antilles

Five goals from Vanina Oneto and Natal� Doreski and the others by Magdalena Aicega, Alejandra Gulla, Ayel�n Stepnik, Marina Di Giacomo, Mar�a de la Paz Hern�ndez and Marin� Russo gave Argentina the demolishing win.

Argentina played a calm first half, moving the ball slowly but with precision. The Netherlands Antilles defended well, specially their keeper Charlotte Hartmans van de Rijdt, who sparkled.

Argentina opened the score, in the 15th minute, through Oneto, who connected a rebound.

Captain Aicega increased the lead from a short corner, in the 26th minute.

Three minutes later, Gulla capitalized on a cross from Doreski for the 3-0 lead.

When the first half had expired, Stepnik netted the fourth from a corner rebound.

Argentina scored a dozen after half-time. Doreski�s five were netted in the 37th, 40th, 53rd, 55th and 68th, while Oneto scored her other four in the 46th, 52nd, 60th and 69th.

Di Gi�como (45th), Hern�ndez (50th) and Russo (65) completed the score.

Argentina: Vukojicic; Ferrari, Aicega, Margalot; Hern�ndez, Rodr�guez, Russo, Di Giacomo; Oneto, Doreski and Arrondo. Also played: Stepnik, Burkart, Gonz�lez Oliva and Gulla. Coach: Sergio Vigil.

Netherlands Antilles: Hartsmans van de Rijdt; Dumas, Gonesh, Muys, Hanstede; Kokkeler, Mulder, van Asma; Wellens, Visser and Mellena. Also played: van den Barselaar, Vloeimans, Dennert-Kleijn, van Bisbergen and Holten. Coach: Patrick van Bergen.

Umpires: Emma Simmons (Bermudas) and Ruth Limberg (Barbados).

Booking � Green card: 36m, Hanstede (NA).

United States v Uruguay

Kristen McCann and Tracey Fuchs scored for the US victory.

The first half was even and open as Uruguay opposed a clever tactic against a superior team.

The South Americans showed organization, patience and accuracy.

Both teams produced few scoring options, but the US goal was unexpected as McCann surprised everybody deflecting a strong cross to put the US 1-0 ahead.

The North Americans pushed Uruguay after half-time, but the Pan-American bronze medallist defended well along with a good performance by keeper Andrea Fazzio.

Meanwhile, Uruguay counter-attacked, but their advances did not harm the North Americans.

Veteran Fuchs increased the lead, in the 61st minute, to seal a deserved win.

Uruguay: Fazzio; Bisignano, Ceretta, Bueno, Rebollo; Carluccio, Chaira, Margni, Gibernau; Dupont and Casab�. Also played: Raiz, Saquero and Acquarone. Coach: Cristi�n Gonz�lez.

United States: Tran; Lingo, Jelley, Larson; Beach, Barber, Loy, Fuchs; K. Smith, McCann and Rizzo. Also played: Fronzoni, Keller, Wooley and T. Smith. Coach: Beth Anders.

Umpires: Claudia Videla (Chile) and Renate Peters (Germany).