2006 ODESUR Games

2006 ODESUR Games
Buenos Aires, Argentina
November 9 to 19, 2006

3-4: Uruguay - Brazil : 4-0
3-4: Uruguay - Peru : 0-0 (ps: 0-3)
1-2: Argentina - Chile : 4-0
1-2: Argentina - Chile : 6-0


The women�s Uruguayan team defeated Brazil 4-0 to take the bronze medal in the third-place playoff in the final day of the 8th South American (ODESUR) Games on Sunday at the Club Ciudad de Buenos Aires.

Uruguay attacked from the very start, pushing Brazil towards their circle and cutting them the ways to advance.

The Uruguayan attacks were constant, but they went to half-time leading only by two goals � through Carolina Gibernau, in the 26th minute, and Bettiana Ceretta, in the 30th � as their multiple imprecisions along with the good performance by Brazilian goalie Nadja Fawakhiri prevented the Charr�as to increase the lead.

The scheme did not changed in the second half, Uruguay kept the pace, while Brazil opposed a tight mark, though this could not prevent their rivals converted other two, in the 50th, through Karina Bisignano, and the 61st, by Patricia Campos.

This match was followed by the men�s bronze between Peru and Uruguay, followed both finals between Argentina and Chile.

Uruguay: Paselle; Ceretta, Bueno, Barreiro; Algorta, R�os, Campos, Rebollo; Dupont, Multiva and Bisignano. Also played: Gibernau, Raso, De Mar�a and Ruiz. Coach: Jorge Norvay.

Brazil: Fawakhiri; Prestes, Bonifacino, Cabral, Neves; A. Flores, Stasi, Bernardino, Machado; Becerra, Ferraro, Steinhauser, Kumvich and Rodrigues. Also played: R. Flores and Ferraro. Coach: Claudio Rocha.

Umpires: Natalia Piccinin (Argentina) and Claudia Videla (Chile).

Booking � Yellow: 42m, Machado. Green: 17m, Machado (B).


The men�s Peru team took the bronze by beating Uruguay 3-0 on penalties in the third-place playoff match in the framework of the 8th South American (ODESUR) Games on Sunday at the Club Ciudad de Buenos Aires.

The match had finished in a goalless draw after the regulation time and the two extra time periods, but Peru�s keeper became the hero of the day as he saved the three penalty strokes hit by Uruguay and another during the game.

After an even first half, both teams were to half-time drawing 0-0.

Uruguay and Peru produced good scoring chances, they had four penalty corners each, but the back rows appeared accurate at the time of defending their goals.

The second half showed the same scheme, even and tighten, but Uruguay failed to take advantage of two key situations. Six minutes after half-time, Peru missed forward Ricardo Cruz with a red card, due to reiteration of rough play, and in the 58th, Uruguay had the best occasion of opening the score, when Rafael Colina was left alone in front of Peru�s goalie Gianni Delucchi, who knocked him down.

But the penalty stroke hit by Andr�s V�zquez was saved by Delucchi to keep the score 0-0.

Thus, the match continued tied and both teams went to seven-and-a-half extra time periods with golden goal.

After the two extra times the match continued tied 0-0 and it was decided 3-0 in favour of Peru on penalties.

Uruguay: Mallo; Turnes, J. P�rez, Pouquette, Xicart; Draper, Colina, Castillos; Cornalino, V�zquez and M. Tixe. Also played: N. Tixe and D. P�rez. Coach: Jorge Norvay.

Peru: Delucchi; Henze, Pacheco, Knight, Lazarte; T. Canturias, Heinze, Vargas; F. Canturias, Cruz and Ubillus. Ingresaron: Mafferetti, Pacheco, Del Corral, Morales and Jim�nez. Coach: Roberto Flores-Jorge Querejeta Jr.

Umpires: Diego Wenz (Chile) and Diego Barbas (Argentina).

Booking � Red: 41m, Cruz (P). Yellow: 22m, Cruz (P); 68m, J. P�rez (U); 72m, Cornalino (U); 85m, F. Canturias (P). Green: 15m, Ubillus (P); 52m, Draper (U).


The women�s Argentine team took the gold and defended their South American title with success by defeating Chile 4-0 in the final of the 8th South American Games (ODESUR) on Sunday at the Club Ciudad de Buenos Aires.

Chile pressed hard Argentina during the first 10 minutes, but Argentina soon kept the pace to open the score through Daniela Maloberti, who deflected a shot from Rosario Luchetti, in the 12th minute.

In the 27th, Argentina increased the lead when Gabriela Aguirre capitalized on a penalty corner rebound.

In the second half, Chile improved the mark and Argentina had problems to penetrate the rival defence. The match became lackluster and tight with few emotions in the circles produced by the local side.

Finally, Argentina showed their superiority and better technique to seal the deserved victory with other two goals by Silvina D�El�a, in the 61st minute, and Luchetti, in the 65th minute.

Argentina: Succi; Pallito, S. D�El�a, Bianchini, Ka�evsky; Luchetti, Silva, Aguirre; Rebecchi, Maloberti and Bouza. Also played: Barrionuevo, Rubin and Rojas. Coach: Gabriel Minadeo.

Chile: Abud; Wilson, S�nchez, Walbaum, Sclabos; Villagra, Garc�a, Fern�ndez; Albertz, D. Caram and D. Infante. Also played: Varas, Rodr�guez, C. Caram and Flores. Coach: Alfredo Castro.

Umpires: Maritza P�rez Castro (Uruguay) and Mar�a Mongelos (Paraguay).

Booking � Yellow: 67m, D. Caram (C). Green: 64m, Fern�ndez (C); 67m, Garc�a (C).


With a hat-trick by Lucas Rossi, the men�s Argentine team clearly defeated Chile 6-0 to take the other gold in the final of the 8th South American (ODESUR) Games on Sunday at the Club Ciudad de Buenos Aires.

Argentina showed their superiority from the start, producing good scoring chances, but Chile controlled them well with a good defensive performance. However, the title holders imposed their quality to open the score, in the 18th minute, through Lucas Rossi, who capitalized on a right cross to net by a reverse hit.

Three minutes later, Rossi again converted another excellent goal to put his team 2-0 ahead.

Chile reacted, reaching the rival circle several times � through penalty corners � but the Argentine keeper Juan Espinosa sparkling saving in style.

Argentina found a third goal, when Chilean goalie Mat�as Adwanter failed to clear off a ball and there was Rossi to connect his third, in the 33rd minute.

Argentina gave a hockey exhibition after half-time, converting a brilliant fourth goal after several one-to-one play through Tom�s Argento, in the 44th minute, and increased the gap, in the 47th, by Rodrigo Saliva to put his team 5-0 ahead.

Sergio Vigil�s team sealed a brilliant victory with a goal by Rodrigo Vila, in the final minute of the match.

�This is the result of a big effort. And with a tough rival like Chile, the players achieved a real goal festival�, said Argentina�s coach Sergio Vigil.

Argentina: Espinosa; L�pez, Orozco, Riccardi, Bergner; L. Argento, Gonz�lez, L Lucas Rossi; Saladino, T. Argento and L. Cammareri. Also played: R. Saliva, Vivaldi, R. Vila, A. Corradini and Encinas. Coach: Sergio Vigil.

Chile: Adwanter; G. Thierman, Amoroso, Koppenberger, Vogel; Sotomayor, Krainz, Rodr�guez; A. Thierman, Kannegisser and Stein. Also played: Khulenthal, Valenzuela, Yuraszek, Scaff and Kapsch. Coach: Alfredo Castro.

Umpires: Albert Marcano (Trinidad & Tobago) y Saleem Aaron (US).

Booking � Yellow: Rodr�guez (C). Green: 26m y 58m, Koppenberger (C).

Best players of the tournament:
  • Carolina Garc�a (Chile)
  • Sebasti�n Kapsch (Chile)

    Best goalkeepers of the tournament:

  • Madja Fawakhiri (Brazil)
  • Leonardo Marafoni (Brazil)

    Fair play:

  • Argentina (women)
  • Argentina (men)

    Top scorers:

  • Lucas Rossi (Argentina), 7 goals
  • Daniela Caram (Chile) and Gabriela Aguirre (Argentina), 5 goals