2008 Pan American Junior Championships
Mexico City, Mexico
October 6-12

2008 Pan American Junior Championships

Bermuda - Chile : 0-14
USA - Trinidad & Tobago : 7 - 1
Barbados - Uruguay : 0 - 4
Argentina - Mexico : 4 - 0

Bermuda - Chile : 0 - 14

Chile put pressure from the beginning of the game opening the score board at 3rd minute with a goal of a PC with #9 Cristine Fingerhuth. The tempo was kept throughout the first half scoring 2 more goals in penalty corners plays with #3 Javiera Mackenna, at 13th minute and #11 Andrea Greene at 19th minute. #11 Andrea Greene scoring a hat trick, #8 Cristina Wagner, #5 Camila Caram, and #13 Catalina Sclabos, are skilful forwards that employed well the opportunities created by a good quality of team play, scoring 5 goals in free plays finishing the first half 8-0 over Bermuda.

Bermuda mobilized all their players to the backfield making in very challenging for Chile to penetrate their circle. However, with the help of fast forwards and superb passing assisted Chile in creating numerous opportunities for scoring. Chile in the second half was less effective in their penalty corner execution, scoring in only one more penalty corner at 41th minute by # 7 Manuela Urroz. The next 5 Chilean goals were scored by #11 Andrea Greene, her 4th goal in this game, #9 Cristine Fingerhuth (2), #13 Catalina Sclabos and #17 Valentina Cruz.

Bermuda improved from yesterday�s game with a superb display of goaltending by #1 Kryshae Furbert.

USA - Trinidad & Tobago : 7 - 1

After loosing to Chile, Trinidad & Tobago is looking for a better result in today�s game. In the first 5 minutes of the game Trinidad & Tobago managed to spoiled USA�s attempts to penetrate the circle and created good attacks from the left side with player #9 Tonya Marie James.

The USA�s team however, builds strong attacks and earned their first two penalty corners in the 8th minute. The tight defense challenged USA to move the ball faster in this game. At 17th minute was the first clear attempt to score with a superb pass by #6 Kathleen Sharkey to #10 Paige Selenski who shot just wide.

At 18th minute Trinidad & Tobago earn their first penalty corner that unluckily was off target.

The USA had some trouble with their first 4 penalty corners. Nevertheless, a new option with a reverse stick pass left from #4 Alexis Pappas to #14 Katie Reinprecht who pass to #15 Elizabeth Drazdowski to made the final touch into the net. After and excellent running and passing efforts from the mid-field # 15 Elizabeth Drazdowski at 32 minute score again giving USA a 2-0 lead in the first half.

USA determined to increase the lead, open the second half with a strong attack through the middle of the field allowing #17 Marta Malmberg to score. USA continued to pressure scoring their 4th goal by fast # 10 Paige Selenski.

The speed and never die attitude of Trinidad & Tobago allowed them to create an effective attack with players#9 Tonya Marie James and #10 Arielle Ramchand-Du Quesnay earning a free hit outside the USA�s circle. The powerful pass from #13 Teresa Lezama lend a hand to #10 Arielle Ramchand-Du Quesnay to deflected the ball into the net giving Trinidad & Tobago their first goal of the match. USA regroups and challenged Trinidad & Tobago into their defense again, with great speed and ball movement USA score again with a fantastic shot on net by #16 Katie O'Donnell and again the great skill and speed of player # 10 Paige Selenski help her to score in the 55th minute and 70 minute of the game finishing with a hat trick in this game.

Barbados - Uruguay : 0 - 4

This game was very important for both teams. Yesterday Barbados played a superb game against Argentina and perhaps that helped them to feel confident to start this game. Though, Uruguay re-grouped after a hard lost against Mexico and came sharper for today�s game creating their first penalty corner in the 4th minute with a better execution than yesterday but it was finely defended by Barbados. Uruguay maintained their quest to win and a great left side attack open the opportunity for player # 9 at 6th minute to score Uruguay�s first goal.

Barbados� goalkeeper #1 Sheena Nicolis, keep them in the game, making superb saves and directing her defense closing Uruguay�s attempts to score. However, in Uruguay�s 4th penalty corner player #10 Anastasia Olave scored the second goal after a rebound play from the right side of the circle.

The second half was hard play, Barbados played a more defensive game and Uruguay continued their pressure looking for their high strikers and better short corner execution. In the 46th minute Uruguay was successful in scoring their 3rd goal in a good penalty corner option to the left by the player #10 Anastasia Olave. Camila De Maria made a fantastic right side circle entry scoring a fabulous goal giving Uruguays� 4th and final goal of the game.

In today�s game Barbados was a different team, perhaps the high intensity and demands of yesterday�s game against Argentina did not allow them to fully recover and were unable to compete with Uruguay.

Argentina - Mexico : 4 - 0

Argentina opened the score at the 9th minute with a superb goal by #9 Yanina Rojas confirming the tempo of the game. Before long, the second score was a in a straight slap shot short corner option by player # 8 Victoria Zuloaga and then at 17th minute a fast press forward by player #18 Daniela Sruoga gave Argentina the 3-0 lead over Mexico.

In the second half of the game Argentina continue to inflict their fast pace style of play moving the ball quickly from side to side looking to open the firm Mexican defense. It was only at the 69th minute that Argentina�s #3 Sofia Roman could break Mexico�s defensive structure to score the only goal of the second half and last goal of the game.

Mexico had a few attempts to penetrate the Argentina�s circle. However, Argentina�s composure and outstanding passing skill made it nearly impossible for Mexico to have a clear attack having only two short corners in the game. Nevertheless, it is necessary to note that Mexico was successful at managing the high pressure during much of the game forced by Argentina where Argentina could not score.