2010 South American Championship / Campeonato Sudamericano

2010 South American Championship
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
April 3-11

Reports by Giselle Ouchana, Media Officer

One day very difficult to play. Since yesterday the Rio de Janeiro suffers with strong rain that falls on the city. Today, in addition to the low temperature, athletes had to play in a field very wet. The speed of the ball was undermined by some standing water on the field. Anyway, the team Argentinean won the Venezuelan. At the first time, they closed the scoreboard with 11 goals and Venezuela, nothing. In the second time, the Venezuelan managed to finalize more moves, but without the goals. Final Leaderboard: 27x0. Until now, this was the best result of all the Championship.

The paraguayas come into the field and made a beautiful game. Despite not having achieved mark point on the scoreboard, they were well positioned, as well as having done a good markup within the field. The Chilean believe that gained pace in the first few games, but in the match against paraguayas, but of the time, the captain Michelle Wilson, believes that lacked speed in the group. The scoreboard closed at: 8x0 for the Chilean

In this afternoon's game against Uruguay, Brazil managed to go further with the ball inside the field, but failed to hit a gol. For the capitain Brazilian, Lizandra de Souza, the group still needs much training and underinvestment. For the Uruguayan, despite having done 7 goals, the game was not so easy. Throughout the game, the Brazilian achieved a good markup and take possession of the ball. In the end, the scoreboard closed on 7 for Uruguayan and 0 for the Brazilian.

Argentine and Paraguayan clashed. Once again, Argentines have not left their opponents scoring point. Throughout the game, the Paraguayans have moved towards the Argentine field, but did not finish successfully moves. The experience and the speed of Argentina, and the field very wet hindered further specialization of Paraguayans. Final Leaderboard: ARG 14x0 pair. 14 goals, 7 were Penalty Corner.

The game between Venezuela and Chile was the fourth of the day that one team scored points. Venezuela, despite having had a better presentation that last game, failed to score. The Chile has 8 goals during the departure. In 3 games, the selection of Venezuela only scoring one goal against Argentina, on the last day 4. In the next game, they must beat Brazilians with at least 5 goals to the Brazilian team in number of goals in the Championship.

Brazil x Uruguay. A game of extreme importance for the two teams. There are two teams with a practically same. Here, the Brazilians have sad and dismayed. Throughout the game, they kept underinvestment, speed and marking. But it was not enough. The team hoped to lose to the uruguayans 2-0, on the contrary, at the beginning of the game, they were confident in victory. The uruguayans left happy, with more force and gas. Now, left Brazil beat Venezuela and still get a place on the podium.